

Craftster has been going through some growing pains at the moment and it should be bigger and better. I'm excited about it but these down times are a little upsetting.

I need my fix! Crakster as it is commonly known on the boards is probably the most addictive site I have ever been to. Everyone is so inspiring and positive! I get a million ideas everytime I log on, which is every 2 mins. It is also really fun to show your own stuff and have people compliment you or give you ideas on how to improve on it. Also watching good ideas get better as the thread grows. Oh and then there are the swaps!

Swaps are when you get a theme and a partner that you craft for. Usually it is one large item and a couple of small ones. The fun is that there is a purpose for you to craft. So often you want to make something but really what do you need it for or who are you going to give it to? Unless you are in the market of doing the craft show circuit there really isn't a need to craft, but when some one acutally asks you for a dress or a hook roll why wouldn't you make it? Also on the other end of it there are packages from different places coming to you chock a block full of goodies all hand made just for you!

So when this wonderful site isn't up an running the withdrawl symptoms start to kick in and you become way more productive!

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