
Is it time to give up CBC?

This is something that I never thought I would be thinking. CBC is a fixture in my life and has always been there for me through my many moves and events in my life. I love my CBC or at least what it used to be.

I loved programs like Basic Black, The Roundup, and Madly off in all Directions. These have been like warm blankets . Bankies. They were informative, entertaining and heart warming.

Now this being said I completely understand that people need to move on and that things need to change. That is the way of life and buisness. My question here is, Is it time for CBC to really Change? Is the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation fullfilling the needs of the average listener? Who are the average listeners of CBC anymore? Are they using the talent that is with in the CBC to their full potential? Have they lost some of the integrity that they have been know for?
Many questions not enough answers.

I have tried to come up with answers for these. First I would say that CBC needs to look at where they are in regards to the technology out there. More and more people don't watch TV or listen to Radio. They are podcasting and blogging. They are in front of their computers more often than in front of any other media device. So make it more of a focus of your marketing. I'm not saying start advertizing on Google. I'm saying make your website easier to navigate and more accessable for the average user to get around. Heck make it easier for the less than average user to navigate. Put more content on your web space. We want the indepth story not just the sound bite.


Lorne Elliot gives his notice

Today on Todd Maffins website I love Radio, I read that Madly Off in All Directions Lorne Elliot will no longer be on the air after this season. After a decade of bringing us Canada's varied comedy styles Elliot will be stepping off the stage. To read more about this go to http://radio.blogware.com/